Stable & secure

Tested by millions of people on hundreds of websites. Multiple security layers in every possible place.

Highly customizable

No encoded pages. Edit/add the theme, features and application logic. Endless possibilites for changes.

Add Your Features

Let us implement your ideas. Our development team will develop every single feature you need.

Cross platform

Designed to work perfectly on mobiles, desktops & tablets. Easy and intuitive to use.

All-in-one solution

All of our products are 100% compatible with each other.
You can have TITAN GPT+PTC, Revenue Sharing, ICO, Investment Platform and Affiliate Network on the same website.

See all-in-one demo

How to get started?

Follow those simple 4 steps to get your business online within an hour. It's really easy.

1. Get TITAN now

Invest in the best product for your business.

2. Get hosting + domain

Choose any compatible hosting you like. Click here for hosting requirements & our recommendations.

3. Customize it (optional)

Need to integrate your template? Check our Design services.
Need additional features? Contact developers from UseTitan.

4. That's it!

Configure Admin Panel and launch. Attract members and earn money.

Themes & Design

Distinguish your business from the competition with an original, customized template.



Ready-to-use, complete, professional templates.

Design Services

Need a custom template integrated? Some other design changes to your theme? Check our services.

After running GPT sites for over 6 years now, I’ve worked on several platforms but none of them have the versatility of Titan. Titan enables total freedom to make your site anything you want it to be.


The team is relentless, focused on one goal: Your complete satisfaction. A true game changer who goes the extra mile.


I'm yet to see the best customer support team like Titan support team. They always answered, helped, assisted me each and every time within few hours when I was in need of help. Go for Titan, you will never regret!

Tamil Arasan

via Facebook

There GPT script is the best of the best loving it and the support is amazing anytime i need any help what so ever there right there super fast to solve the issues

Moses Gross

via Facebook

Excellent Support system and Script! Very clean and easy to use. I will be buying more features/services for sure!

Daniel Gonzalez

via Facebook

Have been with Titan for years and they have always delivered with regular updates and great support. Would recommend them to anyone

Tom Billington

Great team to work with. They have been great in there help and support throughout my set up of the script purchased. Definitely recommend this company all day

Jim Watts

via Facebook

Contact us

We work Monday-Friday 9-5 PST. We reply within 24h, usually sooner.